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The Task "Start Schedule"

The task "Start Schedule" allows you to activate an additional schedule at a given point in time with the option to repeat itself and if desired execute a proceeding task.

Create a Task

How to create a task "Start Schedule"

  1. In the left navigation Schedules highlight the desired schedule which you would like to add this task to.

  2. Click on Add > Task > Start Schedule. A dialog window opens.

    Add task "Start Schedule"

  3. Enter a meaningful name for your new task and confirm by clicking OK. The task will then appear in the list of tasks.

  4. Configure the desired parameters in the Properties Editor on the right panel.

    Properties of task"Start Schedule"

    • Under Activation you can activate the task for future launches. By default, new tasks are deactivated.

    • Under Trigger you can define the point in time when this task shall be launched. For more information see chapter [Trigger Tasks].

    • In the group Start Parameter you define exactly what should happen when starting the Schedule.

Start Parameters

You have the following options to start a Schedule:

  • You must select the Schedule under Schedule which you would like to start. You will only be offered a selection of schedules belonging to the current schedule.

  • Under Next Task define what task should be triggered immediately after completion of the schedule.